E-Books and More 4 U

E-Books and More 4 U
Where the Best Books Are Spotlighted.

Monday, June 27, 2011


July 10th will mark the 10th month

anniversary of

Muse Publishing, Inc

exploding upon the literary world.

We all know how great

Muse is from the publisher all the way through every author who has crossed the entry line since.

BUT Muse has maintained a quality of playfulness that only grows as it grows.

For those who were not here at the very beginning...here are some banner pearls from the Muse laugh-o-meter.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Can any among us doubt

Mother Nature is in a royal snit?

Kat sent us all an article about the vast numbers of IP addresses and our needs for more.

When I was doing my research for ECHOES FROM THE PAST, my first full length novel coming out from the Muse It Hot Side of Muse Publishing, Inc., I devoured everything I could find about the technology they allegedly owned. It matches ours of today

Lemuria, the lesser known land of wonderment prior to the downfall of

Atlantis spoken of as far back as Socrates. Diologues between



Timeus, and

Critias took place and were recorded by


These are all names we revere still for their wisdom, and there isn't an

archeologist alive not trying to pinpoint the place where

Atlantis slipped beneath the sea.

Before Atlantis, though, there was


What was it like, this land that will call my characters,

Ahoishmahir and Kira Firebird through the

swirling vortex of time, back to the glory that was


Lemuria, where are you today?

Beneath the sea waiting for the

plate techtonics to shift and grind and

volcanoic island building to thrust you from the sea returning you to us?

Many obvious columns from

antiquity are found giving sanctury to creatures of the sea, but once upon a time, those columns,

those roads, those pieces of culture gave sanctuary to those that walked on land.

We have seen since the relocation of the doomed

Titantic, how quickly the sea creatures reclaim what the earth lets slide into its depths, and yet there are colums, cobbled, streets, and more that time has not consumed. Why?

Lemuria, where are you? What did you know that we still don't know?

Lemuria, where were you?

Were your people transported before the world of Lemuria slipped beneath the crashing sea?

When we listen to ocean waves do we hear the cries of your final moments, or are we listening to

the heartbeat of what is still to come?

The goddess of Lemuria

appears in the dreams of the future. What does it mean? Her prime keeper of Lemuria's secrets, the

Priestess Annikki is reaching out...are we wise enough to hear her words and heed the messages?

Lemuria where are you?

We know you endured such pain...it echoes on the howls of the winds still today, but the

seeds and the

fractal images of what once reigned are returning, are they imagination, or is Lemuria returning?

What does this Eternal One have in mind for humanity?

She visits Native American archelogist Kira Firebird and charges her with the quest.

Find the Sacred Covenant, but tells her nothing more. She will be helped by others yet to appear, and she must be very brave.

Where power has been hidden waiting for the right time to be returned to the living world, evil walks right along side you.

Lemuria where are you?

ECHOES FROM THE PAST coming in April 2012.

Stay tuned for more secrets, challenges, and words long forgotten that will come to have special meaning to one and all.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Journey Through The World On Spin

Washing Machines...and you have to love one that's in the crapper...

actually have a designation for

SPIN and when it operates in that mode everything goes

round and round at speeds that are dizzying.

It made me wonder if the mind has a similar setting,

when the world's events are just making it whirl and spin until it feels about to shatter?

With that question at the forefront of my creativity, I went in search of my answer. What I found...well, Kelli,

I join you in your plea to the cosmos...


And here are the images of a mind splintering...

And then you make mistakes and this is where you belong, maybe forever.